MTG Token Doublers That Will Overwhelm your Opponents

An image with the Doubling Season card art in the background with 'MTG Token Doublers' over it in white letters

There are a bunch of MTG token doublers with Doubling Season and Anointed Procession arguably being the most famous. People lose their minds over MTG token doublers, and rightfully so. Any sort of doubling effects can be very powerful in a game of Magic the Gathering and are hot commodities.

There are more than 5 MTG token doublers that has this effect straight up built into the card. No need to create combos or elaborate plays when a card has the ability to double your tokens outright. All MTG token doublers will need either white or green to play them. In fact, most of these token doublers are purely mono white or mono green cards. With that said, let’s discuss all of the token doublers MTG has offer!

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MTG Token Doublers

Let’s get straight to the point and talk about all of the MTG token doublers. First we will discuss the mono white token doulbers MTG has printed. Following that will be the mono green ones, with multicolor token doublers being next. Finally we will wrap up with a few pseduo token doublers with a little bonus section highlighting a specific Planeswalker and its ability to create infinite tokens!

White MTG Token Doublers

The first set of MTG token doublers up for discussion are the mono white ones. Both Anointed Procession and Mondrak, Glory Dominus have the same ability in regards to doubling your tokens. The key difference is that one is an enchantment whereas the other is a creature. This can be seen as a positive and a negative, depending on your perspective. The enchantment will be a bit harder to remove but cannot attack or block. The creature is a bit easier to remove but will be able to attack or block. But, Mondrak, Glory Dominus does have an ability to give it an Indestructible counter to better protect it!

1. Anointed Procession

One of many MTG token doublers, Anointed Procession card pictured

One of the best and most popular MTG token doublers is Anointed Procession. This is an enchantment from Amonkhet that costs 1 white and 3 generic with the following text:

  • If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.

This is pretty much a ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of card. You play it and then just start utilizing your token-makers.

For every single token you make, you will get another identical one as well. If a card says to create two 1/1 Human tokens, instead you would get four 1/1 Human tokens. Interestingly, this is a functional reprint of a card in green that does the exact same thing, Parallel Lives (mentioned below).

2. Mondrak, Glory Dominus

One of many MTG token doublers, Mondrak, Glory Dominus card pictured

Another one of white’s MTG token doublers is Mondrak, Glory Dominus. This is a 4/4 Legendary Phyrexian Horror creature that costs 2 white and 2 generic mana to cast. It has the following abilities:

  • If one or more tokens would be created under your control, twice that many of those tokens are created instead.
  • 1 generic, 2 Phyrexian white, Sacrifice two other artifacts and/or creatures: Put an indestructible counter on Mondrak, Glory Dominus. (Phyrexian white can be paid with either 1 white mana or 2 life.)

Mondrak is essentially an Anointed Procession built on to a creature. As mentioned above, their are both pros and cons. The pros being that it is a creature that can potentially have an Indestructible counter on it that can attack and block. The cons being that it is more susceptible to removal when compared to an enchantment. Regardless, it is a very strong card and another excellent tool in your token-making-tool-belt you can utilize.

3. Ocelot Pride

Ocelot Pride is not as straightforward of a token doubler as the previous two. This card will only double the tokens if you have the city’s blessing for any token that entered this turn. Here are all of its abilities:

  • First Strike, Lifelink
  • Ascend
  • At the beginning of your end step, if you gained life this turn, create a 1/1 white Cat creature token. Then if you have the city’s blessing, for each token you control that entered the battlefield this turn, create a token that’s a copy of it.

Unlike Mondrak, Glory Dominus, this creature is NOT a Legendary, meaning you can have multiple on the battlefield at once. However, it is a small fry, being only a 1/1. With that being said, it does only cost a single white mana to cast, making this a turn 1 all-star and another really strong white token doubler MTG has printed for us!

Green MTG Token Doublers

The next set of MTG token doublers are the mono green ones. Out of all of them, Doubling Season is going to be the most powerful, and, as you probably guessed, also the most expensive. Each one of these token doublers has the same effect. They all will give you a copy of each token you end up creating.

1. Doubling Season

One of many MTG token doublers, Doubling Season card pictured

Hands down, the strongest of all of the token doublers MTG has ever printed is Doubling Season. It is a pretty expensive enchantment, price-wise, that costs 1 green and 4 generic mana to cast. It has the following two extremely strong abilities:

  • If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.
  • If an effect would put one or more counters on a permanent you control, it puts twice that many of those counters on that permanent instead.

Doubling Season is the kind of card that will attract a lot of attention. It is very powerful, but also one of the top targets whenever a removal spell (that can target it) gets cast. When this is in play, not only will you be creating twice as many tokens, but anything that gets a counter will also be doubled as well.

This means, for example, Planeswalkers enter the battlefield with twice as much loyalty. Another example is with Sagas. Anytime a Saga gets a lore counter, it will instead get 2. Same goes for +1/+1 counters, charge counters, etc. All of this being said, any token deck or counters deck would love to include this card in it.

2. Parallel Lives

One of many MTG token doublers, Parallel Lives card pictured

The next green token doubler is Parallel Lives. This is an enchantment that made its debut in Innistrad and costs 1 green and 3 generic to cast. It has the following text:

  • If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.

As mentioned previously, this card is functionally identical to Anointed Procession aside from its name and costing 1 green mana instead of 1 white.

It is a true token doubler that will give you an exact copy of each token you create. As with Anointed Procession, if you had a card that created two 1/1 Human tokens, instead you would create four 1/1 Human tokens, for example.

3. Primal Vigor

One of many MTG token doublers, Primal Vigor card pictured

Another one of the green token doublers MTG has printed is Primal Vigor. This enchantment costs 1 green and 4 generic mana and has the following text:

  • If one or more tokens would be created, twice that many of those tokens are created instead.
  • If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature, twice that many +1/+1 counters are put on that creature instead.

Primal Vigor is like a knockoff version of Doubling Season. It basically does the exact same thing as Doubling Season does, except for the types of counters it will double up on. Doubling Season doubles any counter, whereas Primal Vigor will only double +1/+1 counters. The token doubling portion of the card is the exact same, though. It is a great ‘budget’ version of Doubling Season as it has been been around half the financial cost. Even at half the price, it is still a pretty expensive card.

Multicolor Token Doublers MTG has Printed

Up next are the multicolor MTG token doublers. As of right now, there are two cards for doubling tokens in MTG. One of these MTG token doublers is a Legendary creature and the other is a Planeswalker. Any Simic (blue/green) token deck will want to run Adrix and Nev, Twincasters and any Orzhov (white/black) token deck will want to include Kaya, Geist Hunter.

1. Adrix and Nev, Twincasters

One of many MTG token doublers, Adrix and Nev, Twincasters card pictured

The best MTG token doublers Commander for a Simic token deck is Adrix and Nev, Twincasters. This card was the face commander in the Commander 2021 Quantum Quandrix deck. It is a 2/2 Legendary Merfolk Wizard creature that costs 1 blue, 1 green and 2 generic with the following abilities:

  • Ward 2
  • If one or more tokens would be created under your control, twice that many of those tokens are created instead

This is a really neat card. It is has a reasonable casting cost, and while being a creature makes it susceptible to removal, it does have Ward 2 on it. It is a great inclusion in your tokens decks with access to blue and green, even if it is not your commander. But, having Adrix and Nev, Twincasters as your commander makes it so you have a reliable token doubling effect always available to you, provided you have the mana to cast them.

2. Kaya, Geist Hunter

One of many MTG token doublers, Kaya, Geist Hunter card pictured

Kaya, Geist Hunter is one of the best MTG token doublers because of how cheap she is to cast. She only costs 3 mana to cast, consisting of 1 white, 1 black and 1 generic. She enters the battlefield with 3 loyalty and has the following abilities:

  • +1: Creatures you control gain deathtouch until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature token you control.
  • -2: Until end of turn, if one or more tokens would be created under your control, twice that many of those tokens are created instead.
  • -6: Exile all cards from all graveyards, then create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying for each card exiled this way.

As you can tell from the previously mentioned MTG token doublers, the going rate is usually cost 4+ mana to cast. Not only is Kaya, Geist Hunter cheaper than that, but the fact that you can immediately use her -2 ability once cast is a definite plus. Using the -2 ability doesn’t even kill her either! Even if you can only manage to use her -2 ability once, it is still worth it in my opinion. Just make sure to use that ability when you have ways to actually make the tokens in the first place, so they can then be doubled.

Pseudo MTG Token Doublers

This is the pseudo MTG token doublers; the honorable mentions, I guess you could say. These are a bit different than the others as these will not give you doubled tokens, but rather, give you a specific token for each other token. So these cards will not give you a one-to-one doubled up token, but rather, double the number of tokens.

1. Chatterfang, Squirrel General

One of many MTG token doublers, Chatterfang, Squirrel General card pictured

First up is Chatterfang, Squirrel General. This squirrel is a 3/3 Legendary Creature that costs 3 total mana, 1 green and 2 generic and reads as:

  • Forestwalk
  • If one or more tokens would be created under your control, those tokens plus that many 1/1 green Squirrel creature tokens are created instead.
  • 1 black, Sacrifice X Squirrels: Target creature gets +X/-X until end of turn.

While Chatterfang, Squirrel General does not create copies of your tokens, it does double the amount, total number-wise by giving you a 1/1 Squirrel for every single token you make. In a nutshell (get it?) for every token you make, you will also make a squirrel token too. You will have a frenzy of squirrels in no time and drive you opponents nuts… 😉

2. Rabble Rousing

One of many MTG token doublers, Rabble Rousing card pictured

The next pseudo MTG token doubler is Rabble Rousing. This is an enchantment that has the ability to let you play a card for free. It costs 1 white and 4 generic for a total of 5 mana and has the following text:

  • Hideaway 5
  • Whenever you attack with one or more creatures, create that many 1/1 green and white Citizen creature tokens. Then if you control ten or more creatures, you may play the exiled card without paying its mana cost.

Similar to Chatterfang, Squirrel General, this card will not give you double the amount of your tokens, but instead give you a 1/1 Citizen for each attacking creature you control, including your token creatures. I really like this card since it will not only generate you a ton of tokens, but will also let you cast the Hideaway card eventually. After all, it shouldn’t be too difficult to control 10 or more creatures in a tokens deck.

MTG Token Triplers!?

As far as I am aware, there have not been any MTG token triplers created. There are many ways to create triple the amount of tokens, but never as a straight up ability. Well, that all changed thanks to The Lost Caverns of Ixalan! We now have our first, and hopefully not last, MTG token tripler!

1. Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation

mtg token doublers ojer taq deepest foundation

The first ever token tripler MTG has printed is Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation. This is a 6/6 Legendary God that costs 2 white and 4 generic mana with the following card text:

  • Vigilance
  • If one or more creature tokens would be created under your control, three times that many of those tokens are created instead
  • When Ojer Taq dies, return it to the battlefield tapped and transformed under its owner’s control

If you’re at all familiar with previous Ixalan sets, you’ll know that there are a lot of transform cards in these sets. The same is true for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan. Ojer Taq transforms into a land when it dies and can then be brought back!

That’s right, even if this God dies, you can use an ability on the Land side to bring Ojer back, re-granting you your token tripling ability! The transformed side of Ojer Taq is a (nonlegendary) Land that has the following abilities:

  • Tap to add 1 white
  • Tap & pay 1 white and 2 generic to transform Temple of Civilization. Activate only if you attacked with three or more creatures this turn and only as a sorcery

Bonus: MTG Token Doublers & Jace, Cunning Castaway

One of many MTG token doublers, Jace, Cunning Castaway card pictured

Jace, Cunning Castaway is a verrrry interesting card. Particularly due to his -5 ultimate ability. But we’ll get to that… He enters the battlefield with 3 starting loyalty and costs 2 blue and 1 generic to cast. He has the following abilities:

  • +1: Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player this turn, draw a card, then discard a card.
  • -2: Create a 2/2 blue Illusion creature token with “When this creature becomes the target of a spell, sacrifice it.”
  • -5: Create two tokens that are copies of Jace, Cunning Castaway, except they’re not legendary.

By using his -5 ability, you will get to create 2 additional Jace, Cunning Castaway tokens. The beauty is, these tokens are not legendary, so you don’t need to worry about having multiple on the battlefield all at once!

There are some pretty cool combos you can execute with good ole Jace. These combos will give you infinite Jace Planeswalkers which you can then create infinite 2/2 Illusion tokens. The first combo is going to utilize Jace and our old friend Doubling Season.

Showing infinite combo using MTG token doublers. Cards shown are Jace, Cunning Castaway & Doubling Season
Jace, Cunning Castaway + Doubling Season Combo

You’ll need to have Doubling Season on the battlefield and enough mana to cast Jace, Cunning Castaway. If everything goes right, and Jace resolves, he will enter the battlefield with 6 starting loyalty, due to Doubling Season’s effect. As soon as he enters the battlefield, use his -5 ability to create 2 tokens of Jace. Again, Doubling Season’s effect will create twice that many tokens, so you will be getting 4 Jace, Cunning Castaway tokens, each entering the battlefield with 6 starting loyalty, same as the original.

Now just keep spamming the -5 ability on each clone and you’ll have infinite Jace-walkers! Then you can use the -2 ability on the Jace Planeswalkers you didn’t use the -5 ability on to create infinite 2/2 Illusion tokens. That is a neat two card combo, but we can step it up a bit more and make a more potent combo than that.

Showing infinite combo using MTG token doublers. Cards shown are Jace, Cunning Castaway, Doubling Season & Ichormoon Gauntlet
Jace, Cunning Castaway + Doubling Season + Ichormoon Gauntlet Combo

How about we modify the previous combo, but add infinite turns on top of it? That is where Ichormoon Gauntlet comes in. To start the combo, you will need to have Doubling Season on the battlefield along with Ichormoon Gauntlet as well and have enough mana to cast Jace, Cunning Castaway. Same as before, Jace enters with 6 starting loyalty and just start spamming the -5 ability on each Jace, as you create them. The difference now is that you can start using the 0 ability Ichormoon Gauntlet gives all of your Jace planeswalkers. Any Jace that has not used an ability yet can start proliferating.

Each time you proliferate, you will be adding 2 loyalty counters (because of Doubling Season) to ALL of your infinite Jace planeswalkers. After proliferating 6 of your Jaces, you will have 13 loyalty on all Jaces that have not used an ability yet. You can then use the -12 ability Ichormoon Gauntlet gives all of your Planeswalkers to start taking infinite turns after this one! I’d consider that Game Over.

Final Thoughts

If you found this article helpful and are considering purchasing some of the outlined MTG token doublers, please consider using the links provided throughout. It informs TCGplayer that you found this information helpful, and this site receives a minor commission to help with operating costs and whatnot. Plus, it won’t cost you anything extra!

All of that withstanding, while there are not a ton of MTG token doublers, the ones that do exist are extremely powerful. We went over the green token doublers like Parallel Lives & Doubling Season along with a few mono white doublers such as Mondrak, Glory Dominus & Anointed Procession. Following those, we discussed a few multicolor MTG token doublers with Adrix and Nev, Twincasters & Kaya, Geist Hunter and then touched a couple pseudo token doublers with Chatterfang, Squirrel General & Rabble Rousing.

To round everything off, we discussed the power of Jace, Cunning Castaway and then highlighted a few lethal combos with Jace and some of the MTG token doublers disused prior. Adding a couple of these doubling effects to your token decks will ensure you have a ton of creatures at your disposal and can continually put pressure on your opponents. I hope this has helped you out and thanks for reading. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

The Doubling Season artwork was done by Chuck Lukacs from Double Masters.

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